Monday, May 5, 2008

Where we are heading

It was a saturday afternoon and the summer was on its high in Chennai.I was out with my Friends after a finger licking meal from a not so famous restaurant.During the meal we were all discussing the possible return of Sachin into the Mumbai Indians squad and the slump in form of our local team The Chennai super kings after an impressive winning streak.Just as we started moving out from the restaurant one of my Friend who just started his bike started yelleing at someone who was on the other side of the road,we were all taken by suprise by the strange behaviour of our Friend that we for a second thought that the summer heat had taken control of our buddy and he is so out of his mind.Another of my Friend who just came out of the restaurant after generously paying our bill started yelling looking at the same direction where our other Friend was yelling at.I out of curiousity and of potentially avoiding the insulting looks of the passer by's,took the collar of the Friend on the bike by his shoulders and asked him what had he seen that made him behave this strangely."Look isn't that Ashwini,our classmate" he asked me back pointing to the other side of the road.I took a closer look,and eventhough I was not as good in remembering faces I can't forget the girl named Ashwini who was the talk of our College.I nodded in acknowledgment to my Friends question,by this time the guy who payed our bill strated running towards the other side of the road and cried out her name even louder.She turned and saw in our direction and with a bright smile on her face started crosing the road.

To be continued..................